Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Blurkers Rock the Blog World

I am, as Cinimini puts it, a “Blurker”. An avid blog reader who seldom comments. I’ve caught myself hitting the refresh button once or twice, holding my breath and being disappointed when I don’t get another glimpse into the blogger’s inside workings. Each blogger has a personality of their own and it is mind boggling how it shows through their writing. There are those that are blatantly using and abusing the blogsphere to their advantage and those that are a little more subtle. It is the nourishment that feeds some egos, the life lived vicariously through words, a forum at which they can finally be heard and to others it is simply an organization of thought. Wit, intelligence, cynicism, Self confidence, and sarcasim are all just as easily communicated to the reader. A blogger that constantly discusses praise is like a child begging for recognition while another’s bold statements are intended to make a clanking noise among the hum of reason. The loud ones build enemies quickly but fake groupies faster. The quiet ones go unnoticed while those with a sense of humor serve for comedic relief among the sea of politics. It is those that are on neither extreme have proven to be most interesting. They reflect on their daily thoughts and surroundings and if well versed suck you into the moment, into their lives, and sometimes into their head. It is precisely this phenomenon that intrigues me most. It satisfies the urge I get when I walk by an elegant condominium building and wonder how the tenants have made their space theirs… how they’ve manipulated the light and the furniture to give off a certain ambience and feel. Blogs are like the little bubbles that pop up over comic book characters when in deep thought. They’re the ramblings Mel Gibson tuned into in “What A Woman Wants”. That is why they’re comparable to morphine. A quick fix and you’re set. The major problem with blurking is that it makes a profession like pseudo stalking a lot more feasible. Throw out invasion of privacy issues and tada a pepping tom’s utopia without the consequences attached. Faced with technical difficulties when attempting to create a link with a picture as opposed to text I decided to ask for help. Off I went to msn added the one blogger I had a sixth sense would respond immediately and launched into my question as though we’d known each other for ages. Graciously received, I got the answer to my question but was at a loss of words when the inevitable “do I know you?” question surfaced. Reflecting on the situation now I’m thinking smiling smugly and blurting “no but I know you” probably wasn’t the smartest thing to do and I’m sure exponentially accelerated my hole digging. There is no reasonable answer I guess but my answer is simple, I love people watching/reading because it educational. Being removed from a situation and understanding body language, tones, or how people react to stories not only helps me understand myself better but allows me to make sense of the world around me. I’ve gone off on a tangent here but I guess what I want to say is there is no shame in blurking. I Blurk and as far as I’m concerned blurkers rock the blogworld!


If at first said...

Ah yes...but do YOU rock the blogworld when no one notices you smile at his cynicism? Or that hysterical laughter cause coolguy.blogspot.com IS actually funny...or hmm, wouldnt it be nice if 'well versed' didnt have to ask if he knew you?

...of course, you def rock my world! ..but, hey...thats cause I do know you! ;) .


Anonymous said...

I agree with your take on some bloggers, especially the ego issue. One of my worst fears is to blog because of "readers" or for a "following" of some sort.

Having said that, it is an interesting phenomenon in that we all reveal small parts of ourselves through our writing, intentionally or not.

But some bloggers parade certain parts of their personalities, wanting everyone to see (and hail), while others reveal the depeest parts of their souls, thinking no one will see, but hoping someone does.

Forsoothsayer said...

dude i should have been included! me comedic genius. :)
also, your "wit" link is misspelled and the url is wrong.

Sand-E said...

"Sticklers unite"

Thanks forsoothsayer, I fixed both the spelling mistake and the link.

Anonymous said...

Nice colors. Keep up the good work. thnx!

Anonymous said...

I say briefly: Best! Useful information. Good job guys.

Anonymous said...

Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site! Keep up the good work. Thanks.