Friday, December 29, 2006

The neu yeer rezolushions

I’ve decided not to resolve to go to the gym more often. If shamoo got along just fine I’m sure I can manage aswell.

I’ve decided not to resolve to find happiness, I spend enough time as it is looking for my keys. It just doesn’t make any sense to be wasting the rest of it looking for something I can’t even define. I’ll do something more productive. Two letters! TV. “Time well wasted”.

I’ve decided not to stress about the “what am I going to do and where do I go from here” and because I tend to forget about this, I’m gonna use the incredible hulk as a visual reminder that the push and pull of a constipation face are accompanied with, but by no means justification for the popping veins, arteries and stretch marks that are bound to make an appearance along my neck with age.

I’ve decided not to let my chiwawa imitating cubicle buddy’s snoring deter me from taking the shorter path past his cubicle to the water cooler. Sayantandamo ila the ho-hum white noise that surrounds me at the office.

I’ve decided that being a “lady” doesn’t mean I can’t swear to express myself. Tthere is absolutely nothing wrong to resorting to having to slip a “motherfuckin” ever so quickly and so often in between words of “imprortance” like annual and report to blow off steam. I’ll mimic the splicing of porn images through out chuck palahniuk’s fight club. You never know if you actually saw/heard what you did but it’s in there! Was it your mortherfuckin imagination playing tricks on you again or did I just actually say “motherfuckin”?

I’ve decided that not resolving is just the same as resolving and so I will resolve to abandon the resolution process or lack there off.

P.S one more: I’ve resolved not to knock curling as a sport.
Play It! Don’t watch it!


N said...

i forgot to resolve this years! just noticed, good sign, no?

If at first said...

Right. New Year's resolutions are over-rated. And curling is fun..FUN. *straight face, blank stare*. I never thought I'd ever actually say that outloud, let alone type it out.