Tuesday, December 05, 2006

I vunder

1-Do the crazies know they are crazy? Does the questioning of your craziness make you a little sane?

2-Why do soap dispensers in public washrooms make you want to chop off your hands because the soap smells like stale vomit with chunks in it?

3-Is self marketing all it is made out to be? If you tell the world you are all that and a bag of chips do they eventually buy into it? Or is that just a mechanism to make people feel better about themselves?

4-Does the making of pretty necessarily indicate a lot of spare time? Isn’t it one thing to look nice and presentable and another to constantly look like you’re going to a wedding? Or should that be attributed to a magnificent ability to multitask?

5-If high maintenance is a piss off then why do we actively seek it out?

6-How can conversations with random strangers bring so much satisfaction compared to those with people who know you best?

7-To own someone’s heart in a much different way than they own yours is a privilege all too often taken for granted. A power all too often abused by the undeserving. How do you stay true to yourself, to that heart and the way of the world all at the same time?

8-I survive on the breath you are finished with. gag inducing or tear inducing?

9-How do you avoid the drama when its in your head?

10-How can stagnation be that much more powerful than change?

11-What if jack Nicolson was right and this is “as good as it gets”?

12-Why can’t I ever find Osheen at block buster?

13-Why were the subtitles in a lame color that blended into the background when I found the one episode?

14-Is it possible for someone to snap into reality overnight? And become an entirely different person?

15-Perhaps a major tragedy is in order to get the engine jump started? With great loss comes change?

16-What if I’m living my dreams and dreaming my life? For someone that barely dreams… shouldn’t that thought scare the crap out of me?

17-Can you force yourself into adulthood? The state of limbo leaves you neither here nor there no?

18-For the life of me I can’t see the art in Inuit throat singing. The rhythm I suppose is kind of cool but really other than that where is the appeal?

19-How do you get captain Majed “inahom yal3abon korit il kadam b 3onf” from captain Tsubasa?

20-Why is the ChaCha so difficult to master?!

21-Why didn’t the instructor visit the dentist when his teeth started to turn a dark yellow?

22-Why didn’t Escher use color? It’s kind of Ironic his name being Escher and all. Add a “sk at the beginning and we’re set.

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