Thursday, June 08, 2006

Musings at 3

All is quiet on the western front. I’m deeply engaged with my spreadsheet when something catches the corner of my eye. It’s a post-it attempting to find its way through the baffle. It reads ‘HELLO!’ obviously written in haste.
I attempt to send it back with the words “hi ya : ) Cat got your tongue?” but it won’t budge past the seam. He was resourceful and used a paperclip to force his through, and I struggle with mine. I hear a muffled heckle and shortly after get another note from my Through the Wall friend. It reads “No, but this is how they communicate in prison. The similarities are disturbing!” Determined to win the ‘who can make who laugh louder war’ I suppress my urge to break out into knee slapping hahahas.
I take a quick glance around, jot down the words “how so very V for Vendetta-ish of u.”, crumple the post-it up and throw it over.
I notice a shadow through the seam that brought me the initial note.
By God I’ve got it!
I draw two suspicious eyes and a message that reads “I’m watching you” in blue ink. I make a contraption to carry my sign out of rubber bands and paper clips then slowly lower it over the wall.
Francis is hysterical with laughter and stands up to see what I’m up to without even needing to peer, lunge or stretch. “That’s hilarious… not so much the words but the mechanism… you sure u have enough to do?”

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