Sunday, November 19, 2006

Married manitis!

Is it possible to emit these magnetic forces from some sort of device embedded under your skin without even knowing you’re doing that?
I’m honestly starting to wonder if I’m in some Truman show movie replica where the twist is that married men are the way of the world.
Why does it seem like every corner I turn introduces a wonderful but “unavailable” man into my life?
How is it humanly possible for this many similar incidences to occur without me having some sort of premeditated intention to want to recreate them?
Is it true that you attract the type of person you think you can’t do better than?
I’ve seen it a million times. Girl thinks she can’t be with anything better than a drunk so all her boyfriends have a bit of a drinking problem. It’s like a self fulfilling prophecy of sorts. Cuz really, if that’s the case then Sand-e has some serious issues to deal with wouldn’t you say? How screwed up is it to think you deserve and in turn attract men that aren’t emotionally available and even more fucked up belong (in a metaphorical sense) to some else?! How sad is it to realize that, should I, under some sort of impaired frame of mind, agree to be in this sort of relationship, that that in it self has some huge bearings on my stance on polygamy? Maybe I’m overanalyzing and hyperventilating for no reason. I have after all made it clear time and time again that this sort of thing, if not for my sake but for the wifey’s sake, is entirely unacceptable. I’d hate to be with a man and find out that some other chicky is cool with him being married to me and being with her at the same time. The Do unto others as you’d have done unto you totally applies in this case. Not to mention that alongside the psychological and moral issues that such a situation presents there’s the inevitable trust issue. How can I possibly be expected to trust my and someone else’s Mr. Johnny bravo if he was in a “committed” relationship with a previous Mrs. whose bond of marriage provided him no sanctuary from temptation or desire? And in all this analysis and thinking I’ve come to feel a little naïve. The proposals are entirely preposterous and insulting at the same time but surely there are signs in body language and conversation that should tip me off. Red bells and sirens need to go off that read “this man has no understanding of the word commitment!” “He’s Married and chatting u up!”


Anonymous said...

What if the dude is in an open marriage/relationship--what (if anything) would stop you then? (cause it won't be do unto others, nor trust.)

Sand-E said...

His being in an open relationship is his issue not mine. My definition and respect for the institution of marriage are what govern my behaviour. If he doesn't respect his relationship then my playing along simply means I condone it. And plus I know that sharing is caring but when it comes to my significant other, he must be mine and mine alone.