Friday, September 08, 2006

A Sacred Blasphemy

"Be off and know that the way of lovers is opposite all other ways.

The impossible is common place,
Punishment is reward,
Tyranny is justice,
Slander is the highest praise.

His harshness is soft,
His blasphemy is sacred.

When he’s bitter it’s better than a candy shop.
When he turns his head away it’s all hugs and kisses.

A “No” from his lips is a thousand times “Yes”
His infidelity is faith,
His stones are jewels,
His holding back is giving,
His ruthlessness is mercy

You may laugh at me and say,
“The path you’re on is full of curves!”
Yes- for the curve of his eyebrow
I have traded in my soul!

I can not say another word!
Carry on, my glorious heart,
Finish the poem in silence…"

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