Thursday, September 06, 2007

Baz tells it like it is...

"Advice is a form of nostalgia, dispensing it is a way of fishing the past from the disposal, wiping it off, painting over the ugly parts and recycling it for more than it’s worth."


Olive Duster said...

Advice is a covert form of mind control wherein the giver attempts to control the actions of the receiver via pseudo-hypnotic suggestions, behavior modification, wherein the relationship between the giver and receiver is used as the consequence for following or ignoring the advice, and "social advertising." This is similar to the model employed by the U.S. Navy's dolphin handlers to secure the international waterways off the coast of Africa using their "marine fleet" of dolphins and sea lions.

Wael Eskandar said...

For some reason this reminds me of the concept of design patterns present in architecture and computer software.

Anonymous said...

Oh I never give advice that's just setting yourself up for a nuclear friendship melt down.......I just share my warped journey through life, and if they can relate then so be it....

cool blog miss Sez

Sand-E said...

Olive, I was totally feeling you until the U.S navy bit.

Willy, patterns are everywhere of you look hard enough... it's essentially our want to make everything fit into categories. People have been all about making order out of the chaos from the get go.

Baz is a voice I heard on the radio but if he were my friend, I'd definitely want to get advice from him every chance I got... he's got a very deep soothing sophisticated voice :P