Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Big Papa Hoos!

Surfing the Egyptian blog scene its apparent to me that every Egyptian has a political opinion… and though most of them might have a point to some extent I’ve come to the conclusion that its just a matter of liking the sound of their own voice or rather the aesthetics of their fonts… but that’s a whole can of negative energy beans I’m going to avoid today… All this surfing brings up all these images of old people… from saba7 to Hosni. A lot of these guys should really be hanging out underground… The 6 feet under lounge or something… But joking aside… They are looking pretty damn good for their age… I mean Hosni is what like 78 now? Check the man out!

Dude deserves some kind of a medal… his hair hasn’t changed color since he’s been in office! Does the wonderful world of henna have anything to do with all this I wonder? Or is this just one of the many perks of being a self proclaimed Demi-god? Shouldn’t Big papa Huse not have any hair at this point in the game? I mean really all those 3asaker lining every single street he ever enters should technically have him sitting on edge… each armed with a baton….enough ammunition to have their way with them if they just listen to pinky’s plan to take over the world. Narffff… Leave it to hair transplants (zar3 sha3r) to make gido look like he’s got a Luxuelle head of hair! Ok so maybe the hair transplant bit might be a bit too harsh… not every Egyptian is destined to be bald…. But come on! Guy plays squash on a regular basis! SQUASH! We all know that all that crap they tell you about hitting the ball hard enough makes it bouncier is a load of galvanized BS! I’m a third of the man’s age and I’m gasping for air just at the thought of a squash game let alone doing it on a regular basis!
In my books… Hosni’s done well for himsel in the physical appearance department… And yeah he may not be 100% natural but man be looking good! Truth be told...If my grandpa wasn’t such a loving awesome man before he passed away I’da definitely attempted to hook my granny up with him!


If at first said...

Two points...
1. Yaay, glad you figured flikr out.
2. Haha...I dunno if you'd want your Grans associating the the likes of Hosni....but quite a valid point you make about his smashing good looks for a giddou. ;) I dunno...I'm thinkin its not all 'au naturel', ma cherie. I hear no matter how you vote, HE wins!

On the politcal scene, we need to revive the Ikhwani movement...I say Hasan Al Banna all the way!

Forsoothsayer said...

girl, hosny has not released any pictures of himself since the 80's. he's reglo wel abr really.