Monday, November 06, 2006

All things peachy

I ask too many questions and play too many games within the vicinity of my mind.
My self discipline plays hide and seek with temptation and desire.
I do not utter any of these uncertainties and dare not ask confirmation of the certain.
I know what I am to you, and you, just as I, know what you are to me.
Unable to bring down the walls for obvious reasons it is reason that has cornered us here.
It has managed to mold our interaction into this slowly tightening mould.
I shed my clothes and with them most of who I am. Self respect detached and dilapidated on the floor, mental stimulation no where to be seen and imagination and inspiration out the door.
Everything I want outside the scope of this moment is left behind.
There is a burning desire that motivates but will not sustain.
I am momentarily moved.
I have given you the benefit of the doubt. Unearned and perhaps undeserving.
I have given you more than you can appreciate and in the process have unconsciously allowed your value to depreciate.
To you I am the giver of attention, the seeker of naughty, a means to an end but by no means an end.


If at first said...

Qu'est ce que tu feras ce soir? There's a Malcolm X thing at UTM...Starts at 6. Wanna go? Aite aite...I will not settle for blog comments...I shall email you...

Sand-E said...

No worries, It's not as dramatic as I painted it here Deltron. I tend to embellish a wee bit.

If at First call me woman! sheeeeeeesh! does the blogworld really need to know our business?