Friday, May 16, 2008

Humpty Dumpty

All the kings horses and all the kings men couldn't put Humpty Dumpty together again.
He did after all fall of the wall.
Shouldn't he have known better? i mean he's an egg and when eggs fall they break.
simple as that.
what was he doing hanging out on a wall?

I'm sure a good Samaritan must have seen him up there and warned him about his inevitable crash to a million pieces.
but isn't it always the case with Humpty, Harry, Joe, Alexandra and Jane?
we get distracted by the view? We know that we're walking a fine line... a wrong step in each direction invariably leads to a horrible demise.
But we do it any way, thinking we're the exception to the rule. Thinking gravity has taken a day off for some unknown reason. That this time we'll float instead of fall.
but at the end of the day... we're all alike... we're grounded and have our wings clipped. Just like poor Humpty, the egg, we're all on bound to fall.

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