Monday, May 05, 2008

The Name Game

I watched the movie Bella a short while ago… and though the movie was total flop in my opinion.. it had me thinking a little when a movie character, who for the most part, looked a lot like Jesus…provoked the naughty in me and filled my brain with not so innocent thoughts.

Am I the only one who thinks that the use of names like Islam, Christian, Mohamed and Jesus should be outlawed? Seriously, what are these parents thinking when they choose them for their new bundles of joy?

Talk about feeling like they have huge shoes to fill…. with a name like that how can a kid dream of being a Lawyer or a doctor? Their only option is that of Saint really. Though it could be argued that being a fireman in a metaphorical sense could quintessentially amount to the the same thing. :P

But really there are many complications…..

What of dirty talk? For the most part we recognize that we do enough shitty things in our day to day lives to heap up enough wrath without necessarily adding blasphemy to the mix why would anyone in their right mind want to get jiggy with an Islam?

Not only that but the name places restrictions on the parents as well.. How many times have we heard our mothers, no matter how pleasant, in a moment of frustration and zero patience say something of a derogatory nature in reference to the father? Huh huh?

And what if little Christian develops a little bullying habit in the playground?
‘Mrs Mrs Mrs that Christian boy stole my lunch money again’

Anyways, long story short I seriously think all those mother’s to be and fathers in waiting should re-think the whole religious name thing. It's totally uncool!

1 comment:

Mo-ha-med said...

"why would anyone in their right mind want to get jiggy with an Islam?"

Hehehe. Hilarious.
I'll never look at my own name the same way again.

Now excuse me, I have a Nation to go lead.