Thursday, June 01, 2006

Freaking Saudi Arabia!

This country obviously has a personal agenda against me or something I’m convinced there are bounty hunters that have dispatched specifically to destroy and sabotage me.

They’re like genital herpes, you know they exist but want nothing to do with them!

As if the kalakee3 I carried around with me for years after I moved to Canada and discovered that contrary to fallacious beliefs, boys are not the enemy;
The random sexual harassment I was constantly subjected to in public places; The freaking gas masks and sirens; The pool that was cemented in at an all girls school in a country with normal temperatures in the high 40’s to the mid 50’s; my freaking inability to travel to the only neighboring country that doesn’t double as the back drop scenery for ice age 1 and 2 isn’t enough. Of all the countries at the world cup this year, Saudi Arabia had to be my draw in the pool at the office. ‘Course Ghana, Togo or Trinidad would have done just a good a job of making me loose but no I had to pick Saudi Arabia!

1 comment:

If at first said...

Its so interesting how two good freinds (assuming that they have a lil something in common) can have such different experiences in the same place. ....its too bad yours was so negative! If anything, just think, the stories you have to tell! I def have a few ...eye brows rise at the mention of gas masks and scuds. ....and c'mon, take it from a football addict, in Saudi's last World Cup showing, they had game....Saeed Owarian a la Maradona from center...twas sweet!