Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Legalizing prostitution is Genius.

So like Holland, but not as notorious is Germany’s legalization of prostitution. Hosting the FIFA world cup in June Germany has had four years to get itself ready for the surge of football fans. Aside from the fact that some of their advertisement has extremely offended Saudi Arabia and Iran, I think the idea is pure genius.
When a country’s government is secular then the logic just falls into place.
Create laws that prohibit pimping and you protect women/men from being forced into the industry and from taken advantage of. Regulate the business, enforce licensing and mandatory health regulations and you protect the client from both “scandal” and health concerns. Charge a tax for the service and the government can get a piece of the action and all the while the economy reaps the benefits. Unemployment drops, violence drops, crime drops and I’m certain 7erman related kalakee3 (deprivation related issues) also diminish. With that said, Germany, Switzerland, New Zealand, Netherlands, Australia, Turkey, Canada, Bulgaria, Sweden, Brazil and Costa Rica have all tuned into the blatant fact that prostitution is a service that is in demand and can not be stopped. It amuses me to learn that vaginal prostitution is illegal in Japan while fellatio isn’t, the words open-air girl market are actually used to described a sex sook (market) and last but not least that “lot lizards” are prostitutes that serve the trucker clientele.

Now here is a fabulous thought and question:

The United States is rooted on freedom of speech, religion and trade. The first
two are specifically mentioned early on within The Constitution. Those
inalienable rights are not given to us by The Constitution, but are instead
protected by it. So why violate the premise by prohibiting relations between
consenting adults?


Forsoothsayer said...

how do u figure that prostitution is covered under the first amendment? are u saying it could be, if it was part of someone's religion? the Court has already found that freedom of speech does not protect action, nor does freedom of association.

Sand-E said...

I made no claim that the first amendment covered prostitution, I think you might have misread the quote. It simply states that freedom of speech and religion are specifically mentioned in the first part of the constitution while trade, not explicitly mentioned but implicitly a part of what the US is all about, is a right that the constitution protects. If your right to trade is protected then why object to prostitution which is basically in its simplest form a business transaction. You know what I mean jelly bean?

KareemFromEgypt said...

wether it's legal or not does not make it anymore acceptable to the person, if u think it's okay to seek that kind of service then the fact that it's illegal won't stop you and vice versa.

as for the economic benefits you are absoloutly right.

p.s. prostitutes are the highest paid unskilled labour in the world, and by a high margin kamaan.

Sand-E said...

Well I disagree with you Kareem. I think alot of people will avoid it because it's illegal but make it legit and all of a sudden you have more people subscribing to it. I mean push comes to shove what the government is basically trying to do by making it a crime is shape society's do's and dont's. Breaking the law is largely considered immoral cuz it violates some other human being's rights but take away the law bit and tadaaaa, its now not so looked down upon and every one is a happy camper.